Nestle in Ise
(The Mie Times)
Gem of Ise
Timeless journey into the heart of Japan.
Ise, home of Ise Jingu, the Grand Shrine of Ise dedicated to Amaterasu Omikami, lies to the east of the ancient capital of Yamato.
It is written in the Nihonshoki, Chronicles of Japan, that 2000 years ago, Amaterasu, the Great Sun Goddess journeyed through the country in search of her eternal resting place. Deeply impressed by the vast expanse of beautiful ocean, mild climate and abundant nature, the goddess chose Ise. Since, Ise has attracted millions of pilgrims through the centuries.
Every street in Ise fascinates the eye. Discover sparkling rivers, awe in the serenity of the graceful mountains and feel the presence of the gods enshrined in simple wooden shrines in the ancient forests. Reawaken your senses and rejuvenate your spirit in Ise, through a timeless journey into the very heart of Japan.
GETTING THERE: Take the Kintetsu line or JR line to Iseshi-eki Station.
From 「A Hidden Pond」
Taishun ka taikan ka ishi shizuka nite
Nakajima Hideko
Stone quietly sits -
waiting for spring to come or
just bearing the cold
taishun/waiting for spring
taikan/bearing the cold
shizuka nite/sit quietly
The shrill call of the cicada penetrates the rock
in a famous verse by Bashō.
Here the female author considers a stone
in a different season and from a different point of view.
Stone itself, like the haiku form, contains its own philosophy.
She is the head of the ‘Resounding’ or Hibiki group, and also an associate member of the ‘Midwinter Thunder’
or Kanrai and ‘Offing’ or Oki groups.
Anthology of Modern Haiku
隠沼 現代俳句詞華集
加藤耕子/ディヴィッド バーレイ 訳・評
Edited by Kōko Katō
Translated with commentary by
Kōko Katō & David Burleigh
Kadokawa Shoten
Coming Attractions
March 3 Hina Dolls Festival
Until 5 at Futami Cho Ohinasama Meguri in Futami
The end of March to April Cherry Blossom Viewing
People hold picnics in parks to view the cherry blossoms
April Entrance Ceremony at School and College
April 2 Jingu Hono Sumo Tornament at the back of Jingu-kaikan
April 30 Kagura-sai in Spring
Golden Week
April 3 Constitution Day
April 4 Greenery Day
April 5 Children’s Day